Pan Fried Chicken Tenders

perfect for meal prepping lunches

Pan Fried Chicken Tenders
Pan Fried Chicken Tenders

We eat a lot of chicken. Between all of us lifting heavy and Emmy's track practice schedule, protein is always on the menu.

I love this simple, seasoned chicken. It is a weekly staple for lunches. I can make a large batch and have a ready to go option in the fridge. It's fantastic paired with a chopped Southwest Salad and Banza mac 'n cheese for a high protein lunch.


1 family size package of chicken tenders
Olive oil
Garlic Powder
Paprika or Smoked Paprika


Clean and trim the chicken tenders. I like to lay them on a large tray.

Season with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika. Turn over and season the other side.

Add a little olive oil to a large skillet. I take a paper towel and wipe out any extra oil.

Heat the skillet over medium heat. Add 6-8 chicken tenders. Turning to cook until golden brown. I usually flip the chicken a few times to make sure they brown evenly. Repeat with remaining tenders.


These are perfect for meal prepping lunches. My high school athlete loves when these are a part of her school lunch. I love that I know she's getting the protein she needs.

I haven't tried this, yet...but I think these would make a fantastic chicken salad if they were nicely chopped.

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